I Can Only Imagine


This film was a big surprise at the box office in 2018. The faith based film stars J Michael Finley who plays the role of Bart Millard. Millard is the lead singer of the popular christian band MercyMe. He had struggled most of his life with an atheist father who was a hot tempered physical abuser to Bart and his mother.

Bart’s mother sent him to a christian camp and that is where he learned about God. During this time Bart grew strong in his faith and became stronger as a person. He never knew he had the gift of singing until his music teacher heard him sing one day and cast him as the lead in the school play. Bart ended up joining a band and they went on to have several number one hits. Bart tried for years to get his father to know God and build a relationship with him. At the end of the film, Bart’s dad became ill and turned his life over to God and rebuilt his relationship with his son. MercyMe had the smash hit, I Can Only Imagine, and it  opened the doors for them as one of the most well known christian bands today. Bart Millard spoke to many groups across the country sharing his story of survival and victory. This was a touching movie that opens people’s eyes to the amazing ways God has helped change people’s lives.



The film Taken starring Liam Neeson leads the viewer on a wild ride of adventure, suspense, and a firm lesson about human trafficking. Neeson’s character, Brian is a retired government employee who has acquired a special skill set as a preventer. He prevents bad things from happening and is able to seek anyone out and destroy them if they are harmful in any way. Brian’s daughter goes missing while on vacation in Paris with her friend and is being drugged and eventually sold in a human trafficking ring with Albanians. Brian uses his amazing skill set to find and kill all those involved and ultimately finds and rescues his daughter from a life of horror.

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In Today’s society, human sex trafficking has unfortunately become a large epidemic. This movie in my opinion reaches people emotionally and also raises awareness to girls to be very careful when they are out and to always check their surroundings. This movie shows the special training that CIA and FBI agents go through in order to keep our country safe. Overall, Taken is the kind of movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat and is well worth the price of the movie ticket.

The Bodyguard


The Bodyguard is a film starring Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston that shows the advantages and disadvantages of fame. Rachael Maron, played by Whitney Houston, is a popular singer and actress who is being stalked by an individual who tries scaring her and ultimately tries killing her in the film. Farmer, played by Kevin Costner is hired to be her bodyguard and takes his job very seriously in order to protect her from harm.

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Throughout the film, Farmer begins a love affair with Rachael and will do anything in his power to protect her and needs to adapt to her lifestyle in order to do so. Farmer learns that Rachel’s sister, Nikki is extremely jealous of her and hired a hitman to take her sister out. The stalker ends up following through with his orders only he doesn’t kill Rachel; he accidentally kills Nikki. Farmer succeeded at protecting Rachael and was able to kill the hitman and prevent him from ever harming anyone ever again. The film shows the struggle of being famous and also had a romantic love story.

The Lion King

Animated Film

The Disney classic, The Lion King is a true family favorite for many movie enthusiasts. This film shows the importance of family and taking pride in our values. The movie shows the King of the jungle, Mufasa, taking pride in his land but unfortunately being killed by his very own brother, Scar. Mufasa’s son, Simba is next in line to be king however, Scar tells Simba to run away and instills fear in him if he ever returns to their pride land.

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Simba meets many other characters throughout the film who encourage him to make his way back to his pride land and take his land over from his awful uncle Scar. There is plenty of humor as well as touching moments throughout the film. Simba learns the importance of family values, staying true to one’s own self, and keeping his pride and dignity. Ultimately, the film ends on a positive note with Simba falling in love with his childhood sweetheart, regaining his land, and reuniting with his mother. There will be a remake of the Lion King coming out in theaters this summer and many people have been have been waiting for this to happen for years. Will it uphold the excitement and success of the first Lion King? We shall wait and see how the film plays out this summer. Click here to check out the trailer for the new 2019 Lion King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TavVZMewpY.


Psychological Horror

In the movie Split starring James McAvoy (plays Kevin) begins with him abducting three teenage girls, Claire (Haley Lu Richardson), Marcia (Jessica Sula) and Casey (Anya Taylor-Joy) are kept in a dusty underground dungeon that later turns out to be a zoo.

The audience begins to find out Kevin suffers from split personality disorder and has twenty-three distinct personalities trapped within him. One personality transforms him into a 9 year old boy, another turns him into a gay man, another turns him into a woman who is diabetic. His identity can change in moments.

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After this movie was released, controversy struck. “Could this happen to someone?” “To how extreme can this split personality get?” According to the Screen Rant article, schizophrenia has potential to reach a higher number of personalities. The movie just took it to its absolute extreme. Do not be alarmed, no beasts are out to get you!

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A Star Is Born (2018)


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A Star Is Born is a film that was nominated for many awards this year. The film stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. The story is about a troubled rockstar who struggles with drug and alcohol addiction and he meets a very talented female singer who ends up giving her the opportunity at fame and falls in love with her. Unfortunately the film ends in tragedy with one of the stars taking their own life. Both actors did a phenomenal job creating their roles and had dynamic chemistry through the film. Their chemistry is still being talked about. Recently, Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga sang a duet at the American Music Awards that ended with them gazing into eachothers eyes and appearing as though they were going to kiss passionately right there on stage in front of millions of people. Both stars deny they have romantic feelings for eachother, however, their chemistry is undeniable.